Decent Book. Better than Expected:)

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***Non-Spoiler Review***
Read this for XmasBookTubeAThon 2014 Day 1
Wow, I was surprised by the amount of enjoyment this book brought to me. This is a book I bought earlier this year, and for like 5 months, it was on my TBR. I never got a chance to pick it up. So I pick it for the challenge of: Read a book you've been wanting to read this year. I had very few problems with this book.
Like I said, I did not have many problems, but the ones I did have were very prominent while reading this story. Well, first off, I really, really liked the story, but it wasn't something I loved. It definitely was a very Diary-of-a-Wimpy-kid-type book. Which is something I used to like, but my tastes have changed over the years. Also, the main character was SUPER annoying at the beginning of the book. Maybe it was the fact that he refused to read anything, which bugs me.
Thing I liked:
Overall, reading this story in a day, I felt the main character developed some level of maturity in this book. For a twelve-year-old, I mean. It was just really fun, too. It had me hooked at some points. I loved the death thing, it made the book not totally bubbly and unrealistic. Don't get me wrong, this book was nowhere near depressing.
I would recommend this to any 8-12 year old boy, even if he doesn't like reading. It's very east to read and relate to for that age, and if he likes it, it's actually a series, so there is really more to read. as I said, VERY Diary-of-a-Wimpy-Kid-ish. You could get it for a son or nephew, or even yourself if you want(No judgment there:D)